3AMS Success
ISA (International School Award-2021-2024) by British Council
3AMS applied for International School Award and was placed, winner. Despite of pandemic, 3AMS was able to achieve the goals that were set by British Council and was placed winner of Pokhara valley.
Outstanding contribution to Education 3 Angels School has been awarded the Outstanding School for community involvement on 22nd February 2020 Bangkok Thailand.
World Cup Russia
3AMS got the privilege to participate in the under 20 street world cup which was held in Russia. Yet another milestone for our children to achieve.
Participation in Football in Malaysia
3AMS got an opportunity to participate in playing football in Malaysia. It was a huge platform for our children to showcase their talent and skill in sports.
Students Sucess
3AMS has been able to achieve 100% result in SEE since 2015.