Message From Founder
Our Founder
Dr. Rajendra Gautam
Being one of the fortunate children to be rescued at my very young age of 8 and given an opportunity for a good education out of Nepal; where the education system believed in a harmonious development of the Mental, Physical, Social and Spiritual powers;
Inspired by this, I’m strongly convicted that the ‘true education is beyond earning degrees it is more than bookish knowledge. Education means inculcating moral values, positive thinking, attitude of helping, attitude of giving to society and ethical values these kinds of students are only able to bring changes in society.
With a view to prepare student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come; the 3 Angels Mission School has come in to existence since 2011.
A comprehensive approach of Action Based Learning, Life skills and vocational training is the way forward to further suit each child’s interest and ability as every child has right to grow in their fullest potential.
Rajendra Kr. Gautam (Doctorate)